So on the last friday that i had before my Final exams this semester..
Me and my pal took a trip down to GOmobile2009..
over there... some life changing things happened...
1. I found myself in the odd position to accept that the world now has realtime telegram service called 'twitter'....
2. I found myself becoming a 'twit'
3. I found that i was suspended even before twit-ting anything lolz..

well now that you all probably know more than i do about twitting...
or was it called twittering..? i do not know i'm confused..
anyway.. i hope to learn more about this.. and discern whether its a fad or fab... :S

Ok, thats enough jabber...
back to what i would like to post about.
was a website i was introduced to at the Gomobile 2009...
and apparently they have video recipes for local recipes!!!
i have gone to register myself there and hopefully i'll find time after my finals to try it out :)

in the meantime hopefully everyone will go try to memasak :P
2 Responses
  1. あきこ Says:

    you know, its damn annoying that you lock your twitter AND put it up on your public blog. because everytime a visitor enters your blog, there is a prompt that pops up reqesting that he/she sign in to his/her twitter account. (coz only friends can view a locked twitter account).

  2. but i dun wanna have random strangers poring into my twits..
    ok.. i'll drop that..